Bishop Dwenger Show Choir
Show Choir Auditions - May 2 & 3
Students need to have 1 minute or 32 bars of a song prepared to sing- accompaniment required (iPod, CD, or live accompaniment). Student should also be prepared to learn and perform a short dance routine. Auditions will be in the choir room-enter Door 8. Contact Christy Maloney- cmaloney@bishopdwenger.com- with any questions.
General Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the band room.
Concert Band
Curricular ensemble open to all woodwinds and brass players. Class meets daily, and the students typically perform three-to-four concerts a year. Performances occur outside the normal school day (typically on weekends).
Percussion Ensemble
Curricular ensemble open to all percussionists. Class meets daily, and the students typically perform three-to-four concerts a year. Performances occur outside the normal school day (typically on weekends).
Curricular ensemble open to all orchestral string players. Class meets daily, and the students typically perform three-to-four concerts a year. Performances occur outside the normal school day (typically on weekends).
Jazz Band
Description: Extracurricular student ensemble with a specific focus on jazz performance and improvisation. The jazz band meets once a week after school between November and April.
Activities: Performance at designated school functions, such as the Christmas and Spring concerts. Off campus performances—such as the ISSMA Jazz Festival—may be scheduled as the opportunity arises.
Requirements: All instrumentalists must be enrolled in a curricular music class (or by special permission).
Marching Band
Description: Extracurricular student ensemble that combines music and movement to create a competitive Marching Band show featuring woodwinds, brass, percussionists and color guard.
Activities: The Marching Saints rehearse through out the summer months, during which time they participate in the 3-Rivers Parade and hold band camp. During the Fall Semester, this competitive ensemble competes at ISSMA Marching Band competitions throughout Northern Indiana. Competitions begin the first weekend of September and typically conclude the first weekend in November. The group also performs at most home varsity football games.
Requirements: All instrumentalists must be enrolled in a curricular music class (or by special permission). Color guard auditions will take place in May of the previous school year (before school lets out for the summer). Participation in all scheduled rehearsals and performances is mandatory.
Pep Band
Description: Extracurricular ensemble dedicated to playing pep music at home varsity basketball games.
Activities: Perform at selected home varsity basketball games. Also provide music for pep sessions and other school events.
Winter Guard
Description: Extracurricular student ensemble that combines dance and equipment work to create a competitive show that is performed at IHSCGA competitions throughout Northern Indiana during the Winter months.
Activities: Rehearsals begin in November (typically two to three nights a week). Competitions typically begin the last weekend of January and conclude in mid-to-late March. Additional performances at school functions may be scheduled.
Requirements: You must be a member of the fall Marching Saints (or by special permission). Participation in all scheduled rehearsals and performances is mandatory.
Winter Percussion
Description: Extracurricular student ensemble that combines percussion music with movement to create a competitive show that is performed at IHSCGA competitions throughout Northern Indiana during the Winter months.
Activities: Rehearsals begin in November (typically two to three nights a week). Competitions typically begin in late January and conclude in mid-to-late March. Additional performances at school functions may be scheduled.
Requirements: You must be enrolled in a curricular music class or be a member of the fall Marching Saints (or by special permission). Participation in all scheduled rehearsals and performances is mandatory.
Show Choir Band
The Show Choir Band is a small instrument ensemble that accompanies both Summit Sound and Elegance.
Activities: Competitions are held on Saturdays, January through March.
Requirements: Auditions are required for instrumentalists.
The Fine Arts department performs two annual productions, usually a play in the fall and a musical in the spring. Performers as well as stage crew members are needed.
Requirements: Open to all students. You must audition for play and musical parts. If interested in stage crew, inquire for available positions.
Past performances: Dearly Departed, A Little Princess, These Shining Lives, and Over the Moon.
Advanced Choir
Curricular ensemble for singers who have learned basic sight-singing and vocal technique. This ensemble is audition based. Class meets daily, and the students typically perform three-to-four concerts a year. Performances occur outside the normal school day (typically on weekends). This ensemble also acts as the Liturgical Choir for school Masses.
Concert Choir
Class meets daily, and the students typically perform three-to-four concerts a year. Performances occur outside the normal school day (typically on weekends).
Summit Sound
Mixed Show Choir competing throughout the Midwest from January through March. This is an extra curricular ensemble rehearsing evenings and weekends.
Requirements: Auditions are required for singers and dancers.
Treble choir competing throughout the Midwest from January through March. This is an extra curricular ensemble rehearsing evenings and weekends

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