Calendar of Events

Heartland Youth Choir

Meet the Composer is an annual event offered to singers in grades 4-8 from central Iowa schools and invited SATB choirs. Internationally known composers serve as the in-residence clinician and conductor for the two day event.

Guys Power Sing is a fun filled morning for guys in grades 5-9 designed to inspire young men to sing and discover the joy of music. Often featured is a session on vocal health for young men, a local school men’s choir, and a performance by an a cappella men’s ensemble.

OPUS Preparation Clinic is offered to singers in grades 5-9, designed to fine tune the chosen material for the OPUS All-State Honor Choir auditions. In addition, participants are given auditon tips and advice.

SummerSongs is summer camp open to singers who have completed grades 3-8 (with unchanged voices). Activities include full choir rehearsals, musicianship training, musical theater, sectional rehearsals, and movement activities! Some possible excursions include activities such as roller skating, talent show, Science Museum, water park, and Adventureland. 2015 dates to be announced.

SummerTunes is a summer camp open to singers who have completed grades KG-2. Activities include full choir rehearsals, musicianship training, folk games and movement activities!

Heartland Youth Choir: Look to this Day
Heartland Youth Choir: Look to this Day
Heartland Youth Choir Autumn Songs concert
Heartland Youth Choir Autumn Songs concert
12-16-2015 Great Day Sound Stage – Heartland Youth Choir
12-16-2015 Great Day Sound Stage – Heartland Youth Choir
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